Poster Senora Acero

Senora Acero

23.9.2014.USDrama | Krimi | |
7.8 / 10
Carolina Miranda
Carolina MirandaVicenta Rigores / Vicenta Acero
Oscar Priego
Oscar PriegoErick "El Gallo" Quintanilla
Michel Duval
Michel DuvalSalvador Acero
Alberto Agnesi
Alberto AgnesiMarcelo Dóriga
Savršen za gledanje filmova bilo kada i bilo gdje

Preporučujemo: XIAOMI YG300 Mini Projektor

Savršen za gledanje filmova bilo kada i bilo gdje
The adventures of Vicenta Acero, the feared coyote who now leads the dynasty of illicit dealings once under the control of her father.
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